Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hidden Lake Trail, Glacier

Our second morning in Glacier we set off for Logan Pass, accessible
via another engineering feat of the WPA, Going To The Sun Road.
Many regard this to be the most spectacular stretch of highway in 

North America.  It bisects the park from west to east, and takes one 
yawning switchback up the canyon wall toward the pass, from which 
one is either treated to or (ahem) terrified by the bottomless, epic 
expanse to the west.

Looking west along Going To The Sun Road. 

Looking east, a mile up Hidden Lake Trail from Logan Pass.  
Patches of the trail were still covered with snow, including a 
harrowing corner where one of us may or may not have clung 
to the snow for her very life.

Death march traversed, we could attend to rumors of a mountain 
goat herd somewhere up ahead, near the trail.  There was a rustling 
and we strained to make out wooly forms through the trees, when 
this scampy little character trotted out onto the snow.  Really, a 
frickin' wild baby mountain goat, right there, no problem.

Six pictures forming about a 240º panorama, with Hidden Lake to
the left.  The continental divide, from here all water flows west into 

the Pacific or east into the Atlantic.

These guys acted like we didn't exist.

Having picked a spot for lunch, I was burrowing into my backpack 
when this lady clacked by, casual as can be.  I could have reached 
out and run my hand along her side as she passed. 

Returning from the lake, we heard what sounded like a baby bleating
through the trees.  This teen-goat emerged, continuing its little call
as it picked its way down the mountain.

The Columbian Ground Squirrel!

Returning down Going To The Sun Road in the rain.

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