Monday, June 22, 2015

Avalanche Creek trail, Glacier

Our first morning in Glacier we took a trail leading right out of our 
campground.  It began in the shade of cedars, hemlocks, and birches
and climbed along Avalanche Creek, a roaring blue-green torrent.

Moss-carpeted forest flanked the trail to the south.  Returning hikers
seemed to have a joyful secret, their faces flushed and exultant.

After the density of the forest, we emerged to a staggering scene.
All sense of self melted away as we stood gaping: three—four!—five!
waterfalls slowly tumbling into Avalanche Lake.  As 
we adjusted a 
little the immensity before us, countless smaller waterfalls resolved 
into view, each a marvel, the snowmelt finding ways down from 
bony heights.

After basking for a while in the view, we made our way further up 
the trail along side of the lake, red cedars to our right, this absurd 
water to our left.

Undulating algae in a creek bed at the east 
end of the lake.

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