Friday, July 3, 2015

The St. Paul Saints

Megan and I were taken out to to see the St. Paul Saints play the 
Fargo Redhawks.  A big group of my family went.  Being among 
them is a true pleasure, a pure, quiet contentment.   Their company 
coupled with baseball in a lively small park was blissful. 

Bill Murray is part owner of both the team and the ballpark.  He  

apparently frequents games and is rumored to take tickets and sell
programs.  No sightings for us, but we were abundantly content to 
be out on a beautiful evening with such fantastic people.  Plus the 
Saints won, a come from behind victory, 4-2.  And fireworks.

The Saint's mascot, Pablo Pigasso.  Each year it's a new pig.  Past 
names include Hamlet and Garrison Squealor.

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